Thursday, December 3, 2009

♫ Tell Me Somethin' Good! ♫

Lately I have found myself becoming increasingly disenchanted with the whole blogging world.  So much has changed since I began blogging almost 12 years ago now.  I've been a part of dang near every blogging platform out there at one time or another - from Blurty to WordPress and back again.  I first began on Blogger (pre-Google and Blogspot) back in the year 2000 or 2001 and I always come back.  You can imagine all the different faces I have seen over the years.

More recently, I just feel like I don't belong.  My reading list is full.  I have more than 150 amazing writers that I follow or subscribe to on a regular basis - but my own followers - and comments even - are at an all time low.  I just feel something's missing.  I don't really know if it is ME or if this is just what the blogging community has become for this little space in time.  I am just not getting that thing that I used to get from other's blogs - or from my own writing.  My first instinct, in true Rabbit form, is to just say the hell with it and shut it all down (and eventually start it all over again later).  But I really don't want too...  And before I get to that point, I am askin' y'all for your input.

What blogs really tickle your nanny goat's britches?  Is there a site you just can't live without?  I am itchin' and achin' and hongry for some new blood; a fresh take; a good laugh; a good cry, even.

Show me what you got.

Who just blows you away?